Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Massachusett's Lawmakers Consider Spanking Ban: The Issue of Parenting

It comes as no surprise...seeing that Massachusetts is one of the most Liberal States in the country. This perfectly illustrates the Liberal agenda as well, and why it is a hindrance to the continued progress and stabilization of civility in America. Liberals are constantly inventing new terminology to try and make their warped Ideologies sound more convincing; sugar coating the truth with lies. It is a trap.
Liberals believe that the government must adjust according to the wants of those which aren't according to American Custom and Traditions. Liberals have already gotten their "change" since the 1960s, and you can see where it is leading us--our public schools have been turned into brainwashing centers where Almighty God Creator of Heaven and Earth is substituted with that evolution garbage. Feminism, which teaches girls that Murdering their unborn baby is desirable over choosing to give their child life, not to mention that they turn them into sex slaves, completely ruining their chances of a decent career and how to be a loving Mother...they come out as aliens in place of "citizens". Our schools no longer give or show respect and reverance to God such as in time of prayer, schools no longer allow prayer, and God's name has been removed from the Pledge of Allegiance, So, we wind up with a disasterous outcome. How did these disastrous changes become the "norm" of society? Through abhorrent organizations such as the ACLU and N.O.W. which thinks democracy is tyranny and government by judges is "freedom".

They now want to intrude upon the daily lives of parents, and make the State as decision maker for the parents. A Nurse in Massachusetts has decided that parents no longer have the right to discipline their children--Corporal punishment, to be exact.

Corporal punishment is an ancient practice, it has always been one of the more important tasks in parenting. It is used to teach children that certain things are not acceptable. It teaches us how to be good citizens, showing a measure of respect toward others.
Take for example, a parent is at home, and unexpectedly the principle calls at about 1:00 P.M in the afternoon and tells them that little Johnny has bullied and hit another student, to come and pick little Johnny up--What are the school and little Johnny's parent's supposed to do? Tell little Johnny it's not nice to bully and hit on people?
Sure, we can tell little Johnny that it's not nice to bully and hit other people; But the truth is....Just telling little Johnny it's wrong isn't enough, little Johnny must understand that their are consequences for his actions. So, when we whip little Johnny, he associate the whipping with his wrong doing. In so doing, little Johnny learns to avoid certain things that he shouldn't do, and which, could very well save little Johnny's life some day.

You see, if the children aren't taught from an early age, then when they get older, they will lead a life learning the harsh lessons, much harsher than if they had been taught at the age of a child. Many children lose their lives because their parents didn't care!!

Massachusetts needs to wake up, and realize that the Liberal agenda is destroying their State!!

~ Jeremiah


  1. Massachusetts will never wake up, Jeremiah.

    OT: Conservatives United went offline for awhile last night. I'm glad to see that you are back. I feared the worst.

  2. Psycheout,

    Yes, and we should continue to pray for the people of Massachusetts, and not just Massachusetts, but other states like California and the entire country...especially into the upcoming election. The future of our great country is at stake.

