Saturday, January 26, 2008

Planned Parenthood - Worst Assault on American Society

Planned Parenthood has to be the most evil group of individuals to ever be organized in America. Planned Parenthood has resulted in the literal murder of 50,000,000 innocent unborn children. Who started this? Anti-family crusaders such as Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, began in the early twentieth century, targeting Christian churches and Jewish organizations in an effort to brainwash them into the anti-child point of view. Margaret Sanger's methods were of a dark mentality. Ms. Sanger was of the opinion, that certain individuals had more reproductive rights than others - The term for this dangerous philosophy is called Eugenics.

The definition from Websters Intermediate reads like this -- Eugenics \yu-'jen-iks\n: a science that deals with the improvement of hereditary qualities of a race or breed and esp. of human beings.

Margaret Sanger was a firm believer in eugenics, because she believed that the physically and mentally handicapped had "no place" in society, and she especially targeted "minorities", African Americans. As you might imagine, she was an Atheist, and combined with her agenda of eugenics, we could rightly characterize her agenda as militant Atheistic Communism. In fact, if she didn't already realize it, her agenda was much the same as Adolph Hitler, also, a firm believer in eugenics. He hated Christians, and people of faith in God.

What did this plan of eugenics, Margaret Sanger had, consist of?

In simple terms - Genocide.

In order to slowdown the birth rate, her agenda taught against the natural processes of mankind, she encouraged deviancy, and perverted acts, things that are not normal to mankind's nature, so that women do not become pregnant, and thus, they engage in acts of an oral nature, which she defined as--"unlimited sexual gratification without the burden of unwanted children." Later on, through Margaret Sanger's works, others become entrapped to her evil plan and began writing books, like the one written by Ellen Peck in 1971 - "the biggest mistake of your life." Which claims children "inconvenient."

All of what Margaret Sanger taught went against what the Holy Scriptures teach us -

Matthew 18:3-6...

And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. "And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

What is Jesus saying? He is saying that we should be welcoming little children into the world, becoming tender loving, and kind parents.

So, what do we need to do now?

We need to do everything in our power to stop the further progression of the evil organization known as "Planned Parenthood" - "Planned Parenthood" is nothing more than the pre-meditated murder of over a million innocent little children each year, and that is all they are concerned about. They need to be stopped.

Many have asked the question--If abortion were made illegal, what should be the punishment? Who is held accountable?

To be honest, there are a lot of ways that the law can be interpretted to fit one's ideology concerning the legal status of, and prosecuting the individual(s) committing the act of abortion, but to be sure, life is something that goes beyond ideology, and agenda driven purposes. Life must be protected at all stages, at all costs; and that's what the Law was given to us for, is to protect life of the innocent. Not take life.

Stand up for those who don't have a voice today!

God bless!


Thanks for visiting Conservatives United!


  1. In fact, if she didn't already realize it, her agenda was much the same as Adolph Hitler, also, a firm believer in eugenics. He hated Christians, and people of faith in God.

    You're comparing the the founder of Planned Parenthood, to Der Fuhrer, the greatest mass murderer in modern history and the most revolting human being to ever walk the earth? Really?

    We need to do everything in our power to stop the further progression of the evil organization known as "Planned Parenthood"

    Even if the Evangelical Christian and pro-life community could stop PP and outlaw abortion, you wouldn't have solved the problem of abortion for good. They'll still be available abortions in the form of a dark alleyway or in our bordering neighbors, Mexico and Canada.

    Either way, abortion will continue with Planned Parenthood or with some stranger named Jane. Your choice.

  2. Jonathan,

    I would go with anything less than the current rate of over a million innocent children per year.

    It is true that abortions would continue if abortion were illegalized, but far fewer than what we are seeing today, because of the pathetic claims of "inconvenience."

