Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Sky is Falling!

NO! It's George Washington on a piece of green Hudini paper!!

Washington -
Here's some straight talk you're unlikely to hear from most presidential candidates: The next occupant of the Oval Office may have to make some very tough budget choices.

A flood of retiring baby boomers – plus rising healthcare costs – will soon send spending on federal entitlement programs soaring. Revenue won't keep pace, unless Washington allows President Bush's tax cuts to expire and stops shielding the middle class from the bite of the Alternative Minimum Tax.

I seen those numbers today. The DOW dropped some -460 points today! Some are reporting that this is the largest rate-cut since 1990!

So who can get us back up to speed? Huckabee? Giuliani? McCain? Romney? -- Clinton? Edwards? Obama?

Update: Bill Oreilly stated the obvious this evening in the Talking points memo section. He stated that, Democrats, like Hillary Clinton are just thrilled, or at least try to make it seem that way, which I'm sure they are, that we are having recession, and want to exploit it to their advantage. Hillary said she would like to move forward with her "healthcare plan despite slowing economy." Which would prove that Socialism becoming an overwhelming reality should she become President. In essence, what it boils down to, is this - Democrats, like Hillary Rodham Clinton, want the Feds and corporations to have most of the control over most of the money, so they can take from the rich and put the bulk proportion of it into large spending programs such as welfare and incentivizing other massive entitlements. In turn, keeping the poor, poor, and the already big government, bigger. The uneducated remaining uneducated, and the middle class getting less in return, than they put out to the federal government. There you have it, Socialism.

I agree, Mr. Oreilly is right on!


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