Saturday, May 17, 2008

Open Thread: Saturday Morning...

Discuss anything you'd like amongst yourselves.

Also, we welcome anyone who would like to be a contributor.

Thanks for visiting Conservatives United!


  1. we welcome anyone who would like to be a contributor

    Because you by and large don't HAVE any, is that it?

    Face it, Jeremiah. Your preaching is landing on deaf ears even on this largest of canvasses, the Internet. The only people who read your spew are those who ridicule you. Look at your numbers. Who gives a damn besides those who are chortling? And they're chortling AT you!

    "Conservatives United," my ass. You're uniting a coalition consisting of NOBODY.

    Pack it in while you still retain some dignity, why don't you? Proselytize your neighbors and go knocking on doors of a Sunday. You'll have way more impact than you do here, on this global stage.

    Plus, the national bully pulpit you have counted on in the persona of George W. Bush is irrelevant today, and insignificant tomorrow. Your chosen spokes-chimp is TOAST, buddy.

    Retreat while you can do so with some shreds of self-respect, Jer. You're already halfway to being a total laughingstock. No need to take it to the finish line.

  2. Retreat while you can do so with some shreds of self-respect, Jer. You're already halfway to being a total laughingstock. No need to take it to the finish line.


    You really think I care what you or anyone else thinks of me? Don't fool yourself, bud. LOL!

    I could care less whether if anyone wants to post here, that's their perogative if they so makes not difference to me.

    One thing I will point out though, people aren't going to come here thinking they can spout off obscenities just so they can vent their hatred...I know you Liberals hate me, I know that without you even telling's your malignancy with dissenting can't STAND it when somebody stands for what's right, when you want to do what's wrong and evil.

    And that's part of the reason I do this, is for no other reason than to annoy you Liberal fascists.

    The main reason, that I like to write on the internet is just to get my thoughts out there, and warning people of the danger of a living without a relationship with Jesus Christ...that's the sole purpose of this blog...NOT for your hate-mongering. And too, I just happen to be a Conservative, and my sentiments flow through a Conservative train of thought, in preserving what last shreds of Christianity are left in this country.

    So go right ahead, tell all your friends, and let them come and read and decide for themselves...they can laugh if they want too...but I must warn them, their blind musing, and, as you put it...their "chortling" just underscore their own efforts, and they work against other words, you and they, are fighting a losing battle. Hahaha!

    Maybe when you pull the scales from your eyes you might see clearly enough the danger that your philosophy holds.

    Good day.
