Monday, November 30, 2009

Monday Open Thread...

Ok, I thought I'd open the board up to anything that you'd feel led to share what is on your mind. There's lots to talk about, namely the travesty that is a "healthcare" bill, but also the "climate change" scandal that has erupted, cap-n-tax, and a host of other issues on the plate. So, take it away...

Thanks for visiting Conservatives United!


  1. Did anyone else notice how expensive pie was over the Thanksgiving Holiday? By that I mean that most basic foodstuffs have drastically increased in price. All part of Obama's plan to turn this into a third world country of beggars...

  2. Dear Anonymous Poster,

    Well, take into consideration - not too long ago, about three years and you could buy a turkey for around 29 - 39 cents-a-pound, and now, they run anywhere from 89 cents to over $2 a pound. All this hype about "global warming," plus all the trillions of newly printed money that they've flooded into the system causing inflation (that really won't do anything to benefit anyone) is really putting a hurting on the American taxpayer. Plus, we're footing the bill for people like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and other Congress-Critters to have the finest of dining and they don't have to pay a red-cent out of their pockets and they're millionaires! Then again, we haven't even seen the half of what it will be like when the cap-n-tax goes into effect...which isn't too far down the road.

    So I'd say 'third world country of beggars' is just about right, if not slaves...
