Mark Noonan over at Blogs for Victory writes a good article concerning the issue.
How do we tackle the issue when we are ultimately confronted with the issue in consideration of God's Laws and man's laws? Now, we know this can't be, because God doesn't compromise on His Laws merely on the basis of His granting us with a choice in the beginning. What are the choices we have? 1. We can choose to obey God, and inheret His riches and blessings on the merit of a small amount of Faith ...Or, 2. We can choose to disobey, and reap the destruction that is certain to follow, and as an example of this, you can go to your bibles (if you have one?) and read in Genesis chapter 19 verses 12 through 29 about the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah. He overthrew the entire city, it says He even destroyed the plain and every living thing that grew on the ground.
What is the definition of marriage? Now, Far Left-wing Democrats seem to have extreme difficulty grasping what the true definition of marriage is, they somehow, by some far-fetched foggy idea...think that marriage after some two and a half milleniums must be changed. So, just what is this new definition by the redefining of marriage that they're talking about? They think that since a man and woman have the right to marry, that those of the same-sex, two men (males), or two women (females), properly termed Sodomites should also be given the "right" to marry. The Left calls them "gays" and "Lesbians" which is their way of redefining and changing their terminology for those things which they think are "good" things, when in reality, they are an abomination before the Lord Almighty.
Is this the kind of change we want in America,folks? permit and redefine those things which are an abomination and displeasing to the God of All Creation, and go against everything that He has commanded us not too? We are His Creation folks. He placed us in this earth to borrow it for just a short time. We are not its master. He rules the world. So we are here to stand in awe of His marvelous works, and to be in full submission to the commands set forth in His Holy and Righteous Word. With that said, we may now open our hearts and minds to what the true definition and meaning of marriage is--Genesis 2:21-24 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man." for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
That's the definition of marriage, even the dictionary's defintion of marriage is based on the definition that God commanded in the beginning, here it is: marriage: the institution whereby a man and a woman are joined in a special social and legal relationship for the purpose of making a home and raise a family.
Nothing hard to understand about that, is there? No, Just common, every day, good sense. So shoul marriage be redefined? No!
I want to go back now, though, and talk little bit more about why the Left thinks that marriage should be redefined to include same-sex couples, because you need to understand the mechanics behind the Left on the subject. The Left wants to redefine marriage to include Sodomites not just for the simple fact of being able to marry, but to be able to give them special privileges, or "rights" other than those defined in the definition of marriage--In other words, if it becomes legal for Sodomites to marry, then they can flaunt, as if they haven't enough already, that In your face attitude, anywhere they please, tv, stores, streets, and even some Churches would become overwhelmingly Sodomized. The trend is happening already--Our schools all across this nation are teaching YOUR children about Sodomized sex, they distributing explicit material of nudity and acts that no sane person would ever think about showing to their children. So, if you're a parent, then you need to keep a touch with activities your child is learning in his/her school of attendence.
And this, my friends, is where society's foundation is layed for future generations to come, the children who are raised to keep America the great Nation she is, and we are responsible in building that foundation, by teaching them the proper course in which to take America. Unless, of course, you're a Left-wing Democrat, who want to wipe out the foundation, teach them whatever they deem fit...have a Socialist dictatorship, and destroy this country.
Just remember this folks, not only is uncle Sam out their pointing his finger at you, telling you to Wake Up, but someone far greater than uncle Sam, and that's God Almighty above, but we know little ol' uncle Sam isn't in charge is he? God! God is patient yet never budging, and when He speaks, people need to listen.
So, you say, as so many do, "what does God have to do with marriage"? He designed it. It's His; and no earthly, man-made document can change what He has ordained in the beginning, which is between One Man and One Woman For Life. So, if a license is required by law to get married, then that marriage law is bound under God's Law. So there's no room for play; It can't be changed.
Then, you may say, "well, how does two-men or two women getting married affect my marriage"? It doesn't; but that's not the point. The point is; You're creating a disasterous chain effect/reaction when you advocate for same-sex marriages. You think, "How"? You are simply advocating homosexuality, and all the deadly diseases that are associated with it, most notably, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome(AIDS), and the education of the perverted act in our school systems.
"What can I do"? You can start by calling/emailing/Or writing letters to all your local and State Representatives, and Senators, telling them that you want abstinence ONLY taught to your child. All other programs regarding sexuality are unacceptable. Homosexuality is strictly forbidden by God's Word. That's the first and most important thing you need to tell them. Secondly, you need to tell them that marriage is between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN ONLY!
We are in a major moral crisis here in America, folks, and this is one of the greatest obstacles we need to overcome in our modernist society, which is becomeing ever-more secular and anti-God, if we don't take a stand to defeat the evil forces that are out to remove God from the public square and destroy this Nation.
Take a stand today!
God bless!
~ Jeremiah
Thanks for visiting Conservatives United!
The Left calls them "gays" and "Lesbians" which is their way of redefining and changing their terminology for those things which they think are "good" things, when in reality, they are an abomination before the Lord Almighty.
ReplyDeleteAnd here I thought that God loved all of his children?
Your perverted and hateful version of Christianity is sickening.
And here I thought that God loved all of his children?>
ReplyDeleteWell, that pretty much sums it up, then, Jonathan.
Do you know what God's Word says about Sodomy?
Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, that is detestable... and when they don't obey that, His Spirit no longer contends with them. So He turns them over to their own vile affections to do that which is an abomination.
Your perverted and hateful version of Christianity is sickening.
What is perverted about giving someone advice for their own good?
Nothing, nothing at all. Just God's way of giving them another opportunity to turn from their sin sick ways.
What is perverted, is the distorted act of Sodomy. Which is a direct reflection upon the evil desires of their hearts.
Read Romans chapter 1
~ Jeremiah