Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Polarization in America

The American political arena is packed, folks, it is a commonly discussed thing in the present tense, as a matter of fact, people all across America are debating the merits of the current crop of candidates, both Republicans and Democrats who are trying to score points to see who has the best qualities and goals in mind for America, and the best way to lead America forward, as they battle it out for the Presidency of the United States.

As most would; and rightfully should acknowledge, America isn't the same as She used to be, everything changed shortly after the turn of the 21st century. What was it that changed America? Lest we forget, the most brutal attack on our Nation's soil in the history of the United States, occurred at about 8:45 AM on September the 11, 2001. Don't ever forget the day, folks. That was the day when every American received a wake-up call from Almighty God. To turn back to Him. On another date, almost exactly 3 years to the day, on Monday August 29, 2005 the wrath of God struck on the shores of Louisiana as the eye of a massive category 3 Hurricane Katrina worked its way towards land, with New Orleans directly in its sights.

These are signs, folks, from Almighty God in heaven above telling us to ready our-selves for His day of approach, And it's not far away. He says in Revelation 22:12 - Behold, I am coming soon! and the Spirit says, Come!

You see, God is allowing these things to happen because He wants us to be united. He wants us to drop our every-day complaining, bickering, and fighting and try to love one another, and win souls to Christ. You see, friends, the Lord doesn't want to see anyone left behind, and He doesn't want to see anyone perish in a Devil's Hell where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth, day and night forever and ever. If you do, it's your decision, He didn't do it. Hell isn't like what most would think of as torment here on earth, no Hell is going to be the most excruciating torment that can be described on this page, no words can describe what Hell is going to be like. The only thing I can tell you, is that Hell is going to be as Jesus put it, burning lake of fire with a heat more than triple the intensity of the surface of the sun, and as some scientists can tell you, the sun is unapproachable, a space shuttle would be melted like a pop-cicle over the heat of a stove on low; within a two-hundred mile radius. Hell is a mental burning, I'm sure some of it will be a reflection of the things those who go there have done while still living, but most of all, for rejecting God and the mercy He had to give them every opportunity to accept Him as their personal Savior before calling them to His Judgement seat, at which point, is the point of death. The Bible says, to be absent the body, is to the be present with the Lord. So instantly, when a person leaves this mortal shell behind, God is putting us on trial, that fast. At the blink of an eye.
Study it, and learn about it, and you will find a lot of things you didn't know about the Judgement day of all mankind.

In the last days, His Word says that the earth and sky will flee from His presence when He comes to Judge the living and the dead on His Great White Throne. Man! What a Mighty God we serve!

But, as I said earlier that's what He wants, folks, He wants us to prepare ourselves so that we may be able to withstand these last few days, and we can't do it unless we work together and encourage one another in the Love of Jesus Christ of whom all things are made possible, without Him we are as nothing (helpless).

OK, I don't want this to turn into a three day sermon, but anyway, for some reason the Lord laid that on my heart, I don't know why, but I'm not going to go questioning Him as to the reason He wanted me to write that. He calls the shots, not me.:)

Let me see, where was I? Oh yeah, I started out talking about the discourse between political opponents (Democrat and Republican). What would you say the odds are of relatives, associates of work places, friends, and so on, of different political persuasions striking a political conversation at the coffee shop, the Diner, at school, or at a friends place of residence while having dinner, in this day and age?

How often do you discuss politics with close friends, relatives and work associates?

The reason I'm interested, is because it seems like since the afore-mentioned disasters have occurred in this country, they have not had the positive affect of bringing people together and uniting them together as one would have thought, instead, it has severely divided this Nation. Have you noticed that? People, instead of trying to overcome their differences tend to seperate themselves even more than they first were. Now, before you even start, I know what many of you are going to say, espcially Democrats, "It's all George Bush's fault, It's all George Bush's fault, he got us into this mess, blah, blah, blah. Yea, I know, and I've heard enough of that garbage. If you could count the number of years that George Bush has added to your life you wouldn't be saying that stuff right now. Believe me, George Bush is a blessing from above. And don't you ever forget it.

There are other factors that contribute to this division also, like the moral issues facing America. A great portion of it is fear-based division, both sides fear each other on matters of the war, we have those on the Democrats side who think that we went into war for all the "wrong reasons" and that the cost of the war is going to lead us into a deep "depression." On the Conservatives/Republicans side, we are mostly concerned for the threat of Radical Jihad and its coming to American Soil, which would be the most demonstrable failures that this Nation on the part of our Nation's leaders that would ever occur. So no, we can't allow 300,000,000 good innocent people be subjected to the threat of mass attack by peole who are crazy. Who wants that? I could only hope no one would, but you can't overestimate folks, especially those on the far-left. They've done proven that they can't see a threat, much less remember an actual attack on our soil.

We also have the moral division, which those on the left side of the isle think that school children as young as kindergarten should be taught about the sex agenda, stuff that kids should be taught by their parents about. They also believe that homosexuality must be brought into, and forced onto school children for some odd reason. They're teaching them that Abortion is a safe "alternative" to contraception, and you know why don't you? Money! That's all it's about. And they've done murdered nearly 50 million innocent little children. God help this country.
They've teaching them contraception at the age of 11. WOW! How crazy is that!!
They don't want you to discipline your children. On and on.

Then we have those of us on the Conservative isle who want wholesome things taught to the children, such as God's Word and the good that it has for the young and growing generation. Teaching them kindness, and compassion for your fellow human beings. Teaching them that God gave us life because He loved us. That God has given us the capacity, the gift, to grow and to learn to be productive citizens through learning the skills that we need by His help, not our own, but through His help.

Do you see what I mean? The level of dissonance seems to be increasing, and that's not good.

Where do you stand? Have you thought about the moral division? Did it even cross your mind that we are sinking, instead of rising?

Let's try this for change! Let's start trusting in God, and then we'll have the power to rise to the top!

God bless!

~ Jeremiah

Thanks for visiting Conservatives United!


  1. Aaaah, a raving end-times rant, complete with the lake of fire...

    Every good religious fanatic's site should have one, it was still missing here.

    Followed, of course, by a total misrepresentation of the position of bothe parties, and complaining on the divided state of the political life in the states.

    Yo ureally are a piece of work, you know that?

  2. Lest we forget, the most brutal attack on our Nation's soil in the history of the United States, occurred at about 8:45 AM on September the 11, 2001......That was the day when every American received a wake-up call from Almighty God. To turn back to Him. On another date, almost exactly 3 years to the day......the wrath of God struck on the shores of Louisiana as the eye of a massive category 3 Hurricane Katrina worked its way towards land, with New Orleans directly in its sights......

    Let me see if I have this correct: the worst attack in our nation's history wasn't because 19 Islamic extremists hijacked four planes and flew them into buildings and the worst hurricane to hit the Gulf Coast wasn't because the storm picked up strength on the way to New was a sign from God???????????

    You see, God is allowing these things to happen because He wants us to be united. He wants us to drop our every-day complaining, bickering, and fighting and try to love one another, and win souls to Christ.

    I've said it once, and I'll say it again: Jeremiah, you're f'ing insane.

    Repeat after me: I will stop watching and listing to Pat Robertson.
