Saturday, February 16, 2008

Left Redefining Conservative Evangelicalism

Over the past decade or so, the "religious" left has successfully re-defined Conservative Evangelicalism, by re-redfining it down to their own selective terms. Through a neverending barrage of complaints and half-truths, and outright lies, the re-defining of the substratum has weakened society's will to serve God, in that they have been tricked to believe other than what the truth and intent of our Founding principles were so many years ago. The underlying problem seems to be in the fact that the Left is harkened to think that Evangelical Conservatives are only concerned about "two issues" -- that of abortion, and traditional marriage, and that we've ignored the larger issues in the world, like AIDS/HIV and the homeless poor people, and the evironment.

History proves otherwise.

Throughout history, Conservatives have set the standard of caring for the poor and helping provide humanitarian aid.

The Salvation army being one of the largest humanitarian efforts in the world. Providing assistance to over thirty-million folks in America, alone, the Salvation Army considers themself an "evangelistic organization." World Vision ministry being another. The 700 club, has a huge project that helps to feed the hungry in Africa, matter of fact, I watched this last night on CBN (Christian broadcasting network). We also have Disabled Worker Programs, where those with disabilities have those who care for them, and show them how to work. This is wonderful!

Not to mention the thousands of churches across America who contribute to outreach in very quiet ways, as most are non-profit organizations giving of their time and assets to the winning of souls for Christ, and through biblical teaching of marriage, and about the avoidance of STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases.) Christian Conservative teaching, teaches abstinence until marriage, and has proven to be the only method for preventing STDs, and unwanted pregnancies.

Our efforts just confined to "two" of society's ills is not only asinine, it is a lie, we cover much more than the left would have us believe. Conservatives believe in the dignity and absolute instrinsic worth of every human life, and that's why we are striving to over-turn the bill that allows for the murder of over 1 million unborn children each year, and 50,000,000 since it was enacted in 1973 - Roe Vs. Wade.

The Left claims to be the "only authority" on the environmental issues of the day, Al Gore, the "arbiter" of all things life. Really? Oh, ok, the sky is falling, what are we going to do about it, Mr. Gore? Fairy-land, my friends!

Restrictions, restrictions, the left's way of creating environment, which would take heavy tolls on your taxes. Did you know that?

So, how have Conservatives helped the environment? Conservatives help to defend the ownership of guns for millions of hunters across America, as I am an avid hunter myself, ( Go NRA) I am so thankful for the right to bear arms. Hunters help to save the forest, thus, saving the air we need as human beings to stay alive, as the vital element oxygen that we breath is produced by trees, and trees also help to clean the air we breathe from the impurities that are produced by cars., and therefore, also keeping the pollutants from reaching the clean water supply that we drink. Some important things to know.

The Left-wing, the Democratic party, has successfully used the "poor" as a method for deceiving folks into voting for them ... in so doing, they could then create their plans of Socialism through the re-distribution of wealth, by taking from the rich and working class in the form of taxes, and in return, many workers would lose jobs because the small business employers would have to discontinue paying their hired hands in order to compensate for the higher tax law. How fair would this be? Considering the working man works for his living and would then pay for the living, health, and food for those who choose not too....This is what the left passes for "Conservative evangelicalism."

'Conservative Evangelicalism' is about doing the work of the Lord, through the Love of Jesus Christ, as a willful acknowledgment of what Christ taught, by giving of our time and talents as we feel freely compelled to do so. We want to help people get back on their feet in a personal way, to give them inspiration to go higher, so that we may have the will-power to want to succeed in life.

If you have a system that paves the way, then the people who have unsuccessful everyday living, are want to continue feeding off the government teet, and those who provide their living are going to suffer. Outreach begins at the heart, not at the government level.


Thanks for visiting Conservatives United!


  1. "Christian Conservative teaching, teaches abstinence until marriage, and has proven to be the only method for preventing STDs, and unwanted pregnancies."

    Actually the abstienence sex ed curriculum has been proven not only ineffective in preventing teenage sexual actiity, but harmful th the health of women. Moreover, these curriculums spread data that is scientifically inacurrate, and misleads those who take the curriculum as fact. In other words, abstinence only sex ed is full of harmful lies, and is useless in preventing both teenage sexual activity, and the spread of stds.

    For a comprehensive study on the dangers of abstinence only sex-ed go there :

    Now do not get me wrong these curriculums are based on good intentions. And many a personnal, teenage-mother's hell was paved from these.

    "Conservatives believe in the dignity and absolute instrinsic worth of every human life"
    without going into the debate of abortion ( I just want to note that all the pro-choice movement asks is that your beliefs (namely that human life begins at conception) should not be forced on every one, just as you do not want the liberals' definition of marriage to be forced on everyone), I only want to note on this subject that most of those "conservatives" are the firsts to scream for the death penalty, not showing a scrap of respect for the "intrinsic value of human life" once it has left the womb.

    Moreover, a comparative study (comparing nearly every country on the planet in regards of the number of abortions and the laws regarding abortions)shows that stricter anti-abortion laws do not, in fact, decrease the number of abortions. What stricter anti-abortion laws do is increase the women's chances of suffering complications, getting barren, or dying from the abortion, as it is practiced illegally, in worse conditions, by less qualified people.

    "The Left claims to be the "only authority" on the environmental issues of the day, Al Gore, the "arbiter" of all things life"

    Strawman attack. There is not ONE peer-reviewed scientific paper that brings any doubt on the reality of anthropogenic climate change. In the rest of the world, it is a commonly accepted scientific fact. That is what the IPCC was : a review of ALL the scientific litterature on the subject, with a critical evaluation of the science in it. You already know the conclusions, or if you do not you can find them with three minutes of google, or one search on wikipedia.

    In the US, the industrial lobby has made such an effort towards hiding the truth that the public mind is actually fogged on the subject. The fact that such a large segment of the populations is composed of faith-based-reasonning morons who believe they will see the end of times during their lifetime (so why bother trying to preserve our planet?) does help.
    If you feel insulted by the last sentence, congratulations. You have just admitted to being a moron.

    "So, how have Conservatives helped the environment? Conservatives help to defend the ownership of guns for millions of hunters across America, as I am an avid hunter myself, ( Go NRA) I am so thankful for the right to bear arms. Hunters help to save the forest, thus, saving the air we need as human beings to stay alive, as the vital element oxygen that we breath is produced by trees, and trees also help to clean the air we breathe from the impurities that are produced by cars., and therefore, also keeping the pollutants from reaching the clean water supply that we drink. Some important things to know."

    So many things wrong here....
    First : do you think the forests did not manage without hunters? Oh right you think they were created but a day before man.
    Second : do you, as most of the NRA members, feel the need to pack firepower sufficient to shred an elephant to tatters in a matters of seconds in forests whose biggest game is deer, and not much of them at that?
    Third : how many species were hunted into extinctions in the last century? How is that good to the environnment?
    Fourth : since you recognise the air we breathe is so important, why do conservatives oppose measures aiming at reducing the amount of junk that man puts into the atmosphere in the forst place? As an example, why did conservatives vote against a law that would have forced american-made and -sold cars to emit less CO2, when said bill was less restrictive than the standards of every single other car-making country, including china?

    As for your three paragraphs on socialism, I would like to point out that the whole of western europe works very wll with different degrees of socialism. In fact, a man has a better chance of living the american dream (start from scratch, educate yourself, work hard, win millions) in socialist France than in the US.

    But then you are not about facts. You reason by faith. And that means no critical thinking, no looking further than your navel to see haw things and societies work and take the good ideas, no trying to understand how things work in the real world.
    Just listening to the most charismatic (or the loudest) in your vincinity, and trying to impose you vision of what should be by shouting louder, and generally beeing meaner, than those in front of you.

    Now if you want to convince people who disagree with you, such as me, you will have to learn to speak our language. you will have to stop preaching, and start reasonning. You will have to start thinking critically, looking past you faith beliefs, because to those who do not share them some appear downright silly. You will have to discuss facts, and think them through.

    But I'll give you the end of that book : if you do that, you still will not convince us, because you will rally our point of view.

  2. abstinence only sex ed is full of harmful lies, and is useless in preventing both teenage sexual activity, and the spread of stds.

    French Student,

    There is only one way by which one can contract a sexually transmitted disease. They don't just travel through the air looking for someone to attack. They were given their proper name. And there is only one way to prevent them. You should be able to figure that much out...

    As for the website? The far-left loons can think as they please. The only danger involved in STDs is in the fact that they transmitted by only one way, and one way only.

    And many a personnal, teenage-mother's hell was paved from these.

    The proof is in the pudding, the only hell that is paved, is for those children who are let at their own vices, only to come back rejected, because of a dead-beat parent that couldn't care less how they raised their child, and in 99%of cases, it was because they refused to take their children to church, and listen to what the Scriptures have to say about marriage. By far, the partner who has more than one partner, will usually wind up with an STD.

    What stricter anti-abortion laws do is increase the women's chances of suffering complications, getting barren, or dying from the abortion, as it is practiced illegally, in worse conditions, by less qualified people.

    What abortion laws do, is lessen the number of abortions, and it gives mothers a sense of worth in life, as opposed to harlotry for no gain. Personal satisfaction, or selfish-gain should never get in the way of a human life, under no circumstances.

    You already know the conclusions

    Yes, and God is in it, my friend.

    First : do you think the forests did not manage without hunters?

    In the beginning, man did not have to hunt for his food, but when he sinned, it affected every living thing, thus, he now has to hunt for his food. Thus, God had to put more rules in place, so that if man wanted to be blessed with abundance, he has to work very hard to find and raise it. Down through the ages, since the changes took place, man now raises his food, and in order to keep his food he must defend it.

    The last salad that you ate, that had carrots, lettuce, and an assortment of greens in it, did you ask if those vegetable came from a "No animal killing farm"??

    LOL! Just kidding, but most farmers who raise their crops must usually hire sharp-shooters to take down deer and other game that would otherwise have destroyed his valuable crop.

    Hunting is not just a "sport" either, it is a connection with God's nature, and most hunters know more about the habits of wildlife than many well-educated wildlife biologists do. The times they eat, they places they bed, their feeding areas, their sign, birthing areas, and just all around habits.

    Through hunters dollars, we are able to continue the preservation of our cherished outdoors by the funding of Conservation/wildlife management agencies. Without them, we wouldn't have them today. Conservatin agencies help to protect not only the wildlife, but the land and trees as well, through the buying of land.

    But I'll give you the end of that book : if you do that, you still will not convince us, because you will rally our point of view.

    Fair enough, I already knew your point of view and language, and not a chance in the world that I will ever stoop to that level, and believe me, I know the end of that road, and it's dead end stop.

    Not me. I will continue to march ahead, and whatever God allows me to learn, beyond what I know already, I'll continue to be satisfied just the way I am. For without Him, I wouldn't have the privilege to share the same hope with you, and others who share their life in Christ.

    Take care!


  3. French Student,

    Not much that I can say, Jeremiah has already said it. There's no reason to really add or subtract to what he last posted.

    But really now, you would think you would be smarter than to post a comment stating that abstinence sex education doesn't prevent STD's. One of the few times I've lauged out loud while reading the site, was when I read that line.

    I wanna hit on that for a moment though...

    If you think there is any other way to successfully prevent STD's, then you're just flat out stupid. Forgive me for being blunt, but that just can't be denied. I don't care how many herpes stopping drugs they advertise, they won't stop it. And they even tell you it won't.

    Bottom line, illicit sex leads to STD's, which leads to further complications in life.

    Just to name a few: Leads to degraded self-confidence (don't feel comfortable around the opposite sex), decreased sexual performance (can lead to sterility), decreases social activities (which I guess would go along the lines of hidden embarrasment around the opposite sex) I'm sure I, and even you, could go on to name a slew of others if tried.

    Sex and Sexuality were God ordained institutions, when the man and woman join togethor in this sacred activity, the Bible says they become one flesh, as stated in Genesis.

    You can't become one flesh when you're laying with 10-15 others ... or even one other.

    This whole debate was grounded and settled long before you and I friend, long before even the stones themselves were set into place, and the waters filled the vast and deep places.

    God created order to everything, and to everything he created orders, and laws mind you. But man came along and in his sinful disobedience created disorder, strife, chaos, and discord. Which gave birth to mindsets such as yours.

    I hope you'll take what Jeremiah has said to heart, and really think about it, because his views (the Biblical views) are the only ones that work, that's just the way things were designed. But if in your heart of hearts you just don't feel it's possible, or you feel in some way that Jesus Christ, God the Father, is somehow infringing upon your free nature, then by all means good luck in your pursuits. I, for one, don't want to be there to see the end of them.

  4. Note that I did not claim that abstinence failed te prevent the spreading of STDs.

    I said abstinence SEX ED failed to prevent the spreading of STDs.

    In other woords, when you pit the words of a teacher or a priest against the average teen male libido, the libido wins. This is not an opinion. It is what IS. Teenagers HAVE sex, and they have no less of it because their teachers told them it was wrong. But teens who only had the "abstinence only" curriculums are less likely to take precautions (namely the condom) because they were lied to during their sex ed class about the risks. Therefore, they are more likely to get STDs or to get pregnant.

    This is what I meant when I said "abstinence only" "sex ed" (it is not, really, it is "sex ignorance") curriculums fail. I thought I was clear. But then you misunderstood me, so I detailed it enough for a 4-year-old to undestand.

    As for your denial piece on the effects of abortion laws, I tell you : look abroad! Other countries made different legislative choices, and there is data about them. What I tell you is not conjecture about what might have been, it is FACT in other countries.

    I will not discuss your part about hunting. In my eyes you have forfeited the right to discuss this part with your first paragraph on the subject.

    "Fair enough, I already knew your point of view and language, and not a chance in the world that I will ever stoop to that level, and believe me, I know the end of that road, and it's dead end stop."

    My level is called reasonned, logical argument. If you do not want to do that, fine. Just do not expect to convince anyone that actually uses his or her brain.

  5. The 700 club, has a huge project that helps to feed the hungry in Africa, matter of fact, I watched this last night on CBN (Christian broadcasting network).

    The 700 Club?
    The same group that made all those "love pledges" to make devil's pacts with murderous African dictators Mobuto Sese Seko and Charles Taylor for blood diamonds and gold?
    Yeah, what a lot of compassion they showed.
    Spare me.

  6. Jonathan,

    If the majority of the American people believe that Mr. Robertson's relief aid "didn't" reach the victims of Hurricane Katrina... it is because of a lie that people such as Max Blumenthal has created, and then folks such as you spreading that lie. So, I would be careful about spreading stories that aren't true if I were you.

    The only ones spreading those rumors are leftist sites that hate President Bush and good Christian people.


  7. If the majority of the American people believe that Mr. Robertson's relief aid "didn't" reach the victims of Hurricane Katrina... it is because of a lie that people such as Max Blumenthal has created, and then folks such as you spreading that lie. So, I would be careful about spreading stories that aren't true if I were you.

    Exactly what part of Max Blumenthal's story was false?

  8. See jonathan?That is the problem with fundie types.

    They are so convinced they have the TRUTH they do not even bother with things such as details, evidence, results, or even coherence...

  9. "There is only one way by which one can contract a sexually transmitted disease."

    If I may point out Jeremiah,you are making an erroneous assumption here.

    Many sexually transmitted diseases can be passed in other ways. Most all can be passed through blood to blood contact.

    Just to point this out.

  10. blood to blood contact.


    So, we have thousands going around spreading STDs by blood contact???

    WOW! Must be an awful lot of people with cuts on them..


