Sunday, February 17, 2008

Pastor Speaks Out!

Ken Hutcherson, a former NFL football player, now a pro-familyPastor in Washington State gave a speech to several hundred students at a public school. During his speech he was interrupted numerous times by pro-homosexual teachers, with protests, and rude questions. Since then, the teacher who sponsors the "Gay Straight Alliance" has disallowed Pastor Hutcherson's daughter from participating in his class of British Literature, says she "makes them feel uncomfortable." Now, Mr. Hutcherson is calling for those pro-homosexual teachers to be fired. He says, "Those days where Christians fight for a little bit then gone, are over."

Amen. I agree Pastor Hutcherson, it's time all concerned Christians take a stand and fight back. Sodomy has no place in our school systems! They are being plundered daily with the Sodomite agenda, and it's time for decency to be brought back, and indecency taken out.


Thanks for visiting Conservatives United!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. On what charges?

    Discrimination, regligious persecution. Why? Because that Sodomite teacher expelled his daughter from her British Literature class.

    And I agree with him, these idiots should pay, and pay dearly. This country is going to have to wake up, and start fighting before America is destroyed. Make the sleeping army of God across America arise, and shout the battle cry.

    Can't wait to hear this load o' crap.

    Indeed, it is, and it has no place in our schools.

    What is the Sodomite agenda? It's teaching children the lie, that sodomy is "acceptable."

    A sin which will destroy both soul and body is hell.


  3. Hey Jeremiah come visit Jonathan and I at

    Bring your friends we would love to discus the evils of the world with you buddy. Come I promise great fellowship.

  4. No thanks, Count Istvan, I prefer to stay here at my own blog.

    The Bible says evil company corrupts. So if I go anywhere, it will be where there are decent rules of language.

    Thanks for asking though.


  5. Jonathan,

    I warned you about using my material. So don't ask to comment here again.


  6. But sir, if you have never been to our blog before how do you know the language that we use? Could it be that you commit the blasphemy of reading our blog against Gods wishes? This is like claiming to have never read "Out" magazine and yet knowing the exact contents of the last issue. I am sure this is something you know nothing about.

    As for the language on our blog I shall ask for the others to not use such language in your holy presence. As for your fear of upsetting God I asked God if it was OK for you to join us in fellowship and she assures me it would be most

  7. Count Istvan,

    All it takes is for me to read one blog post to know whether I want to comment there or not.


  8. Jeremiah blessed spirit I have one last question. Why do you have a counter counting down the number of Abortions performed since the start of the Iraq war?

    Since one thing has nothing to do with the other what is the purpose? A counter counting down the number of hot dogs you have eaten since the start of the Iraq war would make just as much sense.

  9. Count Istvan,

    People need to see the shame that Liberalism has caused America.

    Their innocent blood has painted a gruesome picture, stamped Nazi all over again.


  10. Jeremiah

    So you refuse to visit the Count's blog because you don't liek the way it's messages are delivered?

    Or is it that you disagree with the messages,yet don't care to refute them?

    I'm at a loss.

  11. yakki,

    No, I have better things to do than to go around having my words trampled by a bunch of Swinocrats.

    That's the way I prefer it, and that's the way I'll keep it.


  12. That is fine,though I take it you consider me a "swinocrat"?

    If so,may I ask how come?

    I fail to see where I have been anything but respectful in my conversations with you.

    I'm rather confused,honestly. Well,more flabbergasted really.

  13. Sure you're confused, you've been brainwashed by your Liberal handlers.

    Believe buddy, I can see right through you. Jonathan introduced you over at Blogs for Victory, poor ol' boy, I feel sorry for him, you know he's got in with the wrong crowd when he gets in with people like you.

    Remember what you said? "You're preachin' to the choir" LOL!

    You hypocrite.

    [Ed. Note: This is the last post, I appreciate you taking the time to comment, but you're not going to hijack my site. Thanks for playing.]

