Wednesday, February 6, 2008

McCain Not Tipping The Scales; Not Even Barely

McCain came out the clear winner in yesterday's (Super Tuesday) voter block of the Republican party. Overall, however, he's not garnering enough support at this present time to put the Republican ticket over the top. Wonder why? Well, quite simply, and for good reason, the Conservative base doesn't favor McCain because of his quasi-Conservative position on the issues. McCain wants to cut government spending, yet he wants to continue spending programs that are still government funded. In particularly, on the environment. Several billion, maybe trillions of dollars go into environment alone. Some, so-called "Conservatives," have said that McCain's past is "not an issue now." Well, there's also a saying that goes, 'Those who forget their past, are doomed to repeat it.' or continue down the same path into the gutter. McCain's past may not be that big of an issue now, but I refuse to concede in any such manner thereof, because we're talking about the future of the United States, when his decisions WILL be an issue. America is on the brink of virtual moral chaos. Therefore, we need someone who will come forth with a straightforward, clear choice on where they stand in this election.

So, what does McCain need to do to get the nomination?

First and foremost, he needs to be 110% supporting Life in the womb.

In 1999 Senator McCain said this - In the short term, or even the long term, I would not support repeal of Roe vs. Wade, which would then force X number of women in American to undergo illegal and dangerous operations."

You have to keep in mind, nine years is not that long of a time period, since he took that position. So, given his position then, it's likely, that even though he would most likely appoint Judges to the bench who would craft a Ban on Abortion, given his position then, which probably isn't any different today, that if that ban reaches his desk he will not sign it. The reason I say this, is because of his next statement - question and answer in the debates...

Would you expand federal funding of embryonic stem cell research?
A: I believe that we need to fund this. This is a tough issue for those of us in the pro-life community. I would remind you that these stem cells are either going to be discarded or perpetually frozen. We need to do what we can to relieve human suffering. It's a tough issue. I support federal funding.
Again, another big, government funded project, one that supports Murder.

As you may notice, unlike President Bush, Senator McCain isn't willing to come forth in full support of Life. Make no mistake, you can't have it both ways, you can't say this - “I’d like to have less intensity on this issue.” Then turn right around and support embryonic stem cell research, which requires the taking of a human life. There's no second guessing, if you want the Lord to be proud of you, then you've got to prove it to Him, not just through words and gestures, but through deeds. We are directly responsible to God for the Life that he has so graciously blessed us with, and He expects that we treat others with that same appreciation, dignity, honor, and respect.

Another interesting stance Senator McCain takes, again, another very Liberal issue, as most residents of Massachusett's are aware of, is the issue of Marriage. Only one time, during the '06 decision to ban or prohibit same-sex marriage, to my recollection, did John McCain vote for it, the other 95% he voted to allow it. In regards to homosexuals in the military, McCain said this - Don't ask, don't tell is working; don't tamper with it. You might remember where don't ask, dont tell came from. Yep, you guessed it, William Jefferson Clinton, or as he's better known now, Slick Willy.

This is what Senator McCain said about Republicans regarding a ban on same-sex marriage - Ban on same-sex marriage is unRepublican; leave it to states.

Say that again? unRepublican?!?!? I don't know who you mean Mr. McCain, by Republicans as being "unRepublican," but it sure isn't the Born-Again Believers in this country, that are Conservatives. I can tell you that much, for a fact. Family is the unifying issue that strengthens America. Let's not throw America to the dogs of society, by redefining marriage down into the muck-pit of the world.

These are the reasons I don't trust Senator McCain, folks, and if you can't trust someone, mainly, because of the simple reason that they don't want to stand up for God-fearing values, and they wind up being the "decider," then we're in trouble.

Now, whoever you are out there, and you are reading this, I don't know where you stand on the issues, but if you're a Christian Conservative, then you're likely to be just as disappointed as I am about the turn of events unfolding. The vast majority of you, however, have shown that you favor McCain over any of the rest of the candidates, given this, you are the moderate to Liberal Republican. Not much of a surprise, consdering where McCain stands on the Social issues. Not good news for the overal GOP turnout, though, but I may be wrong...At any rate, the way I see it, if you've got two Liberals running against each other, one from the GOP, one from the Democratic side, then voters will most likely say, "Who is more Liberal?," and thus, likely go with the Democrat contender.

If this trend holds, and I'm right, then it will prove how much Liberalism has really damaged our colleges and universities, and America will be totally defamed.

Wait ... there's hope, McCain gets the nomination, and he will listen to the Conservative base on the social issues? Then we're in the clear! A Huckabee win would be phenomenal, and one that I would rather see. Why? Because he's not a Romney phoney, and he's not a "somethin' smells fishy" McCain, either. Mike is a genuine, and trustworthy man of his word.

Your thoughts...


Thanks for visiting Conservatives United!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A Huckabee win would be phenomenal, and one that I would rather see. Why? Because he's not a Romney phoney, and he's not a "somethin' smells fishy" McCain, either. Mike is a genuine, and trustworthy man of his word.

    Unless the conservatives decide to abandon McCain and vote for Huckabee, he has no shot in winning the nomination.

    Like it or not, McCain is your candidate.

    The six-million dollar question will be this: Will the social and Christian conservatives and the GOP swallow their pride and accept John McCain as their boy, or will they sit this presidential election out in protest and let the Democratic nominee win the Presidency?

    The ball is in your court.

  3. Jonathan,

    Conservatives will have to rally around whoever the GOP nominee is. Though the advantages aren't the best in the world with McCain, he's the best the country's got. But he's still not a full Conservative, as much as I hate to say it. He can't win without Conservative support, who will likely not vote at all. If he doesn't the nomination? Then I'm afraid the country will get their wish, with an Ultra-Liberal.

    Mike Huckabee has by far, the better agenda over and above any of the candidates. Some good news came his way today, when Dr. Dobson Endorsed him.:)

    If the folks don't rally around McCain, and give it to the Democrats? Then it will be for one reason, and only one - To let the people get a taste of their own medicine...and...until we can get someone who will stand for True Conservative principles. Of course, I'm just projecting...but, McCain's not changed much, and in all likeliehood, won't change a whole in the near future...again, just projecting. People can change, and if he'll listen to the Conservative base, then it would be in his best ineterests, and most of all, for the best interests of the country as a whole.

    We'll just have to wait and see, there's still some time left, and a bunch of delegates left to be taken, 999 to exact for Huckabee.

    So, the most important thing that needs to be stressed at the present, is that people need to get our there and make their voices heard. Of course, the best way to do that is at the polls, and even there, given the circumstances I'm afraid many will threaten to stay home...not a smart thing to do, because that's the only place if one wants to make that difference and support the candidate that has America's best interests at heart. Who? Mike Huckabee, or whoever the GOP nominee is. Can't afford not too.

    So, though we're in a predictament, we're not stuck as of yet, anyway...

