Sunday, March 2, 2008

Democrats accuse Evangelical Pastor John Hagee of hate speech

When John Hagee endorsed John McCain a lot of rhetoric started to flare up, as something that should have been a minor to insignificant, grew into a pastor Hagee has delivered in his sermons in the past certain events, tie in with his particular theological training, and belief system. Such as - that Hurricane Katrina was an act of God against the sin of homosexuality in New Orleans. Regardless of what people of different denominations wish to believe, this should be obvious to all, a no-brainer if you wish, and true for anyone who understands that homosexuality is a sin. If you take the Bible, you can find that these same types of situations were dealt with in similar manners, one of the most well known accounts of God's wrath against homosexuality was at Sodom and Gomorrah, when He destroyed 25,000 people in one day, sparing only Lot and his wife, but his wife looked back and was turned to a pillar of salt in an instant.

Regarding other dissenting opinions - It has been said that pastor Hagee has shown anti-Catholic sentiments, which in my opinion should have far less impact regarding his endorsement of Senator McCain. No one is bound to pastor Hagee's theological beliefs, the main, and most important things are what the Bible teaches, and if you are a Church member, then you are part of the Body of Christ, and this includes all denominations. As for where I stand, we believe Jesus Crucified, was buried, and arose on the third day, in which we celebrate the resurrection not too long from now, three weeks from today I believe. And that through His blood we are afforded a new beginning in our life, provided that we accept Him into our heart and life, and have Faith that He is able to deliver us from evil temptation. For all who have accepted Christ they can say thusly, 'Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.' And as the Apostle Paul said, 'Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God.' We must impart this to others as we each wait for our appointed times, sharing with them this sanctifying grace that sets the captives free.

I believe John McCain is a good man, although at times, he has not been clear on what side he wishes to favor on the issues. I do know this, he is a Republican, and that regardless of what his theological beliefs are on certain Church doctrinal beliefs that in the grand scheme of things, he is on the right side as to one of the greatest moral issues affecting America, and that is life; he believes rightly that life has intrinsic worth to some degree, in which he would appoint judges who would draft a Human-Life amendment for future use; and in this we do everything we can do to end the barbarism we know as abortion must be done. There are too many lies being spread by the Planned Parenthood and ACLU to deceive women into the gravest of sins, that being Murder. Murder should never be accepted in a society, and our government should be pressed to do everthing possible to make sure that it does not happen. At the present, the U.S. is murdering over 1 million people per year by way of infanticide, genocide, whatever you want to call it, it is Murder, and should be ended. Although, I think Mr. McCain should come out in stronger opposition to ESCR or (Embryonic Stem Cell Research).

Too, he is a stronger defender of National Security than his Democratic rivals, and fighting radical extremists wherever they may be found outside of America, with our times being ever-more threatened with Terrorism, we need somebody who would see to it that Freedom is defended.

So, pastor Hagee's endorsement should entail some serious-minded people to think before passing off his endorsement as "hate speech" or an "injustice," afterall, sequestering McCain in favor of Hussein Obama is, In my opinion, turning a blind eye to the past for selfish purposes not fully realizing the greater impact it would have in future consequences.


Thanks for visiting Conservatives United!


  1. It's no big deal really. Hagee's church can jsut ose it's 501 charitable status and he can start paying taxes.

  2. anonymous,

    We'll see. Chances are, if you really want to start a fire-storm, then that would be a sure-fire way of doing it.


  3. As many years as Churches have went without paying taxes, there's no way I would stoop to that level.
    Churches do more good than the government.


  4. Ahem! "Hussein Obama"? That will be fair when you consistently refer to your preferred candidate as "Sidney McCain," sir. Let's have some basic honesty here.

    I think it is perfectly legitimate to criticize Hagee's stances now that he has thrown his weight behind McCain and McCain has chosen not to repudiate that support. Many of Hagee's positions are extreme from the mainstream point of view. Not everybody embraces this "Rapture" and "Armageddon" stuff, you know, much less wants to encourage it through U.S. foreign policy.

    Why are you so afraid, Jeremiah?

  5. The only one who stooped was Hagee. His church has 501 status and to keep it,he must remain politically ambivalent. He can vote who he wants but cannot make a public effort of support for any political candidate or party.

    Hagee has done it to himself,and if he loses his church's charitable status,tough tittums.

  6. As I've said, regardless of what you prefer the law to be, which I'm sure you would love to see all Churches taxed, because that is the level of hate we find on the left.

    No big deal though, you want to start war, go right ahead...


  7. anonymous,

    We were declared 'Independent' in 1776, but were here for close to 200 years before the words of the Declaration were ever even uttered.

    And just as an aside, please do not use profanity on this blog.
    I respect others blogs, and I expect you to do the same.


  8. What does the American "independence" have to do with Hagee being a nut? What went on in 1776 has no bearing on his crazines. I don't understand what you're getting at.
