Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Christian's Obligation

As a recent survey points out, Americans are divided evenly on the issue of homosexuality, and this is a sign that the acceptance of immorality in our society is becoming or has already become first place in peoples' hearts and minds. Why? You ask...For many reasons, attributed to the same group of ideologues called Liberal Democrats, just call them plainly - 'Democrats', because the whole of the Democrat party has become a whole sort of nastiness. The problem in a nutshell, is the Democrats have a most insane set of opinions, opinions that are anti-America and anti-Christian and anti-Family, of course, anti-Christian and anti-Family comprises most of their agenda. So, how did they create this mess? They took God and shoved Him out of our schools, good Christian people who taught good, wholesome values to our children...pushed out. "We hate ya. We don't want ya!" and you can see what has happened, can't you? The hate has pervaded the minds of our children...the children then grow up thinking they have an easy road ahead, and they say, "There's nothing to worry about, I can always depend on the government", and the government does, they hand them all the money they need to murder their little babies, to fund for diseases that they've gotten from being taught they can have sex any time they want too...the government's going to have to stop this funding and tell the people, say, "Hey, if you don't want to get a disease, or don't want to have a children, then don't have sex until you're ready to be committed to your husband or wife...but they won't, they'll just keep handing them the free dough, and the diseases will continue to spread, and babies will continue to be murdered on a daily basis.... and ...generation afer generation, America becomes weaker, and with scornful eyes other countries watch as America comes to Her demise. You know, America once looked to God, and peace filled the land with a harmony of working families going about their everyday happy lives...rejoicing and praising God for everything they had. Now, people just can't seem to get enough fame, money, riches, sex and material pleasure....and they don't want God anymore. Well, I'll tell you, God doesn't like what He sees, and He may get angry at America, unless people wake up! If you think these tornadoes and wildfires and earthquakes are bad...then you haven't seen anything compared to God's Awesome Mighty hand of power come to force!

We can avoid God's anger, if we'll only seek Him and ask Him for guidance.

Many churches (Church pastors, Youth leaders, Counsellors, and Congregations) are partly to blame as well, because too many church leaders are accepting the homosexual lifestyle as "normal" or "ok", and you have half the congregation for homosexuality and half against homosexuality.....this severely weakens the message and influence of the church, and it severely weakens society too. And that's what I mean, you see, that's why America is failing, because too many church leaders won't step to the plate with the courage to challenge their members morally.......In order to make a difference, you must be ROCK solid on what God's Word says......When God's Word says it's Wrong.....It's WRONG! And homosexuality is deathly WRONG!! And there's no earthly man that can change what God's Word says. PERIOD!

So, to all you churches out there, listen up....America's future is dependent upon you, and all Christians, everywhere, as God's messengers to get the message out, and put our foot down about the damage that homosexuals and homosexuality are doing to America! If you love America, and you love God, you will challenge and warn them about these dangers!

God bless!

Thanks for visiting Conservatives United!


  1. The problem in a nutshell, is the Democrats have a most insane set of opinions, opinions that are anti-America and anti-Christian and anti-Family, of course, anti-Christian and anti-Family comprises most of their agenda.

    The problem, in a nutshell, is that religious fundamentalists like you cannot stand anyone who dares challenge your viewpoints or beliefs.

    ...this severely weakens the message and influence of the church, and it severely weakens society too...

    Give me a break. The Church is not some kind of domino effect, where whatever happens to the Church, happens to society. Please get off your self-delusions on how important you believe you are to the rest of us.

    So, to all you churches out there, listen up....America's future is dependent upon you, and all Christians, everywhere, as God's messengers to get the message out, and put our foot down about the damage that homosexuals and homosexuality are doing to America!

    First, this nation controls it's own fate, its not up to the Church.
    Second, quit using homosexuals as a scapegoat for the problems of this country.

    Organized religion = another system of control over the ignorant and the stupid.

  2. First, this nation controls it's own fate

    It sure does, Jonathan, and they're doing a fiiiiine job, MIGHTY "fine" job right now.

    The problem, in a nutshell, is that religious fundamentalists like you cannot stand anyone who dares challenge your viewpoints or beliefs.

    What is it you want to know, Mr. Jonathan? Do you need help understanding something? If so, that's what I'm here for....Ask me what ever it is that you don't understand about being a Christian and I'll decipher with pin point accuracy from God's Word (the only source) what you need to understand. OK?

  3. Jonathan,

    I think of something that you aren't sure of and leave it here, and when I get back here tomorrow evening I'll pray about it, so God will give me the wisdom to help you with it, so you can understand it.

    I want to do what's best for you, and that's why I'm trying to help you.

  4. Jonathan,

    Ok, let's go over this bit...

    Organized religion = another system of control over the ignorant and the stupid.

    Do you think that's really the main reason people go to church and try to live according to God's Word? I have a different scenario, actually there are a number of different scenarios that all tie into the same type situation with a similar reaction dictating your response to the stimuli -
    An oncoming train for one. One that is thinking in a logical manner would know to stay off or step off the train track when they see or hear an oncoming train, right? Wouldn't that being an intelligent decision? For one thinking logically, yes, it would be, because I know that I don't have the power in myself to stop a train...just common sense.

    Time is another key factor that needs regarded, and it also applies to all the mentioned scenarios to the same stimuli...ok, for the next example, and remember, we're talking timely fashion here...Let's say you have a garden you tend to, and let's also assume that you're working in the garden on a beautiful sunny day planting, howing weeds, watering the plants, whatever needs to be done and you're feverishly working there when all of a sudden you hear a rumbling in the distance and you look to your West and clouds start to move in your general direction and before long the sky begins to look dark almost black as the storm moves ever closer in your the moment, it is completely still, no breeze, no birds singing, no dogs barking, everything is quiet as a mouse while you continue to work away...Well, now let's say your wife (assuming you have one) calls to you out the back-door and says that an alert came across the newscast telling everybody to get indoors in the lowest possible location that a tornado was headed in your direction and would be over you in the next thirty minutes. Well, and then you holler back, "OK, I HEAR YOU" and you go on about your business working in the garden, but then all of a sudden, leaves start to fall in the garden around you and not a tree one around your house, "Where's all these leaves coming from?" And you look in the distance and there is the tornado coming right at you, stuff being ripped, torn and thrown all about...what are you going to do? ... Go try to protect your family or stay and say, "Aaggh, it's nothing!"? Let's say now for instance that you decided to stay, but at the last minute you decide to run for cover when the storm gets there...but it's too late, the storm takes you and your whole family because they and you didn't take heed and respond as the forecasters had warned you.

    Now, you must be wondering what all of this has to do with being a Christian or becoming a Christian, and also how it contradicts what you have to say about the matter in regards to calling people "stupid" and "ignorant" for being Christians. I'll explain the best I can, and then I'll let you decide for yourself what you want to do.

    You see, Jonathan, the truth of the matter is...there are a great deal of intelligent people and "not so" intelligent people who strive to serve the Lord, the most intelligent thing one can do for one's life and well-being. For as I explained to you...they understand that their life could be snatched out at the snap of a figner, the twinkling of an eye, and they wonder to themselves where do I go beyond this point, what is going to happen to me. Many people have much money power and clout and they know it's not going to last, because we don't live forever, because this is a mortal body...and this ol' body wears out it's soon to become and empty shell...and it's how we use our bodies in the here and now that means everything in the end...yes, we do leave a behind our memory, but what is actually inside us that will last forever, for ETERNITY we look to the future and not to the past...and it's this lasting theme that we impart to those whom we encounter in everyday life, to our children and granchildren, you see...that they ought to strive to do what it is that we strive for, which is life everlasting with Jesus this, we show the truest form of hope that we can give to anybody on this earth, because we give them the option to spare their soul from everlasting torment in Hell.

    Time is key, however, and just like in the two scenarios I provided for you, if we continue to put off our safety then we endanger the safety of our loved ones....Where we fail to tell others about Christ will ultimately lead us to the same fate. It's our obligation, our sole purpose in life to strive to bring people to unity in Christ so that we can all be together and no one is left behind. So the time is NOW, not to say, "I've got plenty of time." No, friend, we don't have plenty of time, because we never know when Jesus might come back again, he could come at any minute.

    It's a tough road, being a Christian is not easy in the least, but we can know that we are doing what is right by the reaction we get from others...In other words, not everybody is going to react the same when we share the Word of God with them, some will accept it with joy and comfort thankful that they are assured they have a hope in this world, other people will resent it because they can't see the hope within the message because they are doing well or are satisfied with they're at in life, still others will resent it because they take what they want to take the parts they dislike and make a case of negativity against Christians and Christianity...and you see, this is where a sound knowledge of God's Word really shines through, because we can take the time to explain things through and help them on the road to a better life by accepting Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, as Christ died not just for me, not just for you, but for every living soul on this beautiful earth that He created.

    So, no, friend, organized religion is not a reason to say that others are being controlled, or calling them "stupid" or "ignorant" no, it's not that at all. Christians come together on their own free will, because they have a common bond as brothers and sisters as One in Christ Jesus. You come when you want to, you can leave when you want to...No one votes you in no one votes you, it's up to you, for you to have the desire to want to serve God. One will find too, that once they are a member of Christ's body, that they are some of the most wonderful people that you could ever meet, and you can feel God's Spirit move through them when you are joined together with them, from the time you enter the church doors until the time you leave the sanctuary. As Jesus said...'Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there Am I in the midst.'

    God bless you, Jonathan. I said a special prayer for you today, and I'll continue to remember you in my prayers.

