Almost two decades have passed since former President Ronald Reagan defeated the Communist regime - Soviet Union. In 1987 he made a declaration to the leader of Russia's empire Mikhail Gorbachev, he stated, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall"... and the wall was torn down.The people could then have their freedom once again. One of the greatest challenges in our history, resulting in the most awesome victory, and the victory belonging to the good will of, and great man that Ronald Reagan was.
As you think about this wall, think about what the goals of the wall were when they built the wall. Opposing ideologies created division within Germany at the time, with East Berlin beingcontrolled for the most part, by Communists, West Berlin being controlled by Democratically electedgovernment. The wall was built by the Communists to stop the tide of emigration from the Communist (East side) of side of Berlin to the West side of Berlin which had a capitalist form of government, which allowed freedom to obtain work and thus, one could fulfill the need of responsibility to not only survive, but give one a sense of purpose in life without the government relegating purpose and freedom downto their own standards.
Communism is a lie, or composed of a number of lies in order for those seeking power to gain full control of the masses whom they seek to rule. The lies consist primarily of "promises" which arewhat we call the 'lies', it's beginnings can be traced all the way back to Adam and Eve when they were in the Garden of Eden, for what God had explicitly told Adam and Eve they could not do, by eating of a
certain tree, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the middle of the Garden, Satan, then, coming in the form of a serpent deceived them, telling them differently, by saying "you will not surely die" (he lied to them), and so, Eve took of the fruit and gave some to Adam, however, God had mercy on them, giving mankind
another chance. He done it in a way that allowed them to live, yet punishing them by creating an environment that would have immediate physical consequences for the choices they made upon making their decisions, so as to become a learning experience for the future. We experience those same consequences to this day, yet, it seems mankind continues to go further and further away from the truth in pursuit of Satan's lies, "gluttons for punishment" you might say.
It is fortunate that God was merciful to Adam and Eve, and many may look at what God done afterwards in cursing the earth as "mean-spirited", but what people have to understand, is that God isn't the one making the "choices", because God's plan has already been set from the beginning of time, and so, He's giving us the choice, and if we know that something goes against His will, then there will be consequences for those actions, just as there are consequences for touching a hot metal-surface. There are also consequences for disobedience to God on a personal basis, and how one would fully explain to someone that there is a hell, where the disobedient and rebellious will perish, there's really not much you can do without someone there to witness to them and sharing with them, the truth. Now, you may be saying, Who are "they"? Those that are lost, and by 'lost', I mean those who have no faith, or have not accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, or who died on the Cross at Calvary that they might turn from their wicked ways and be saved from an eternity without Him.
So, the curse that God placed upon the earth in the beginning, can and will be considered "mean-spirited" by those who don't know Him, or don't have faith in Him. However, to the contrary, it was not a "curse", but rather, a blessing. A blessing in the sense that when we make the right choices in life, the choices that are pleasing to Him, then we avoid the consequences of wrong-doing and are rewarded with postitive outcomes. Again, though, this is a responsibility we have on a personal level to our Creator; and not to man or created things.
In God's eyes we are all equal, in that, we are all equal to freely make choices which will either benefit or harm us, and behind this, is where the mind's purpose must be acknowledged or realized, the mind-brain connection. We all know we have brains, and that's fascinating...I realize I have a brain, yet, at the same time, I can also fully realize that I am typing this...and this gives me the ability to caption what my strengths and weaknesses are, such that, however I choose to use my abilities will determine the consequences, and will thus, give me an understanding as to how I should choose in the future. I can avoid much of the negative consequences that would come about by wrong choices, by learning from the mistakes of past societies. We can't get ahead by thinking that the ideas we've made up on our own will get us through life without any consequences, we must look back on history at the successes and failures.
This is why we have democratically elected governments here in the United States, folks, so the people can vote their conscience, and based upon the success or failure of past leaders as a guide, and, coincidentally, not just here in the United States, either, but other countries around the world.
An interesting thought comes to mind, while we are on this train of thought - Whatever my choices may entail, they will be, in large part, due to how I've been taught from childhood, alright, do you follow me? This also depends a great deal as to what degree any given philosophy is taught on a societal scale ... if any given society is compelled to teach something that is wrong, that goes against what our Creator would desire of us, then naturally, society can't work. Like, 500 students may be taught from the Bible and a Christian worldview, whereas, 1,000,000 students may be taught from an atheistic worldview. The question then bears the weight as to which one will give us positivity or negativity. Which group will be more inclined to deride the other? This will also determine how the individuals taught in their particular worldview will make choices later in life ... If one doesn't work, Then what? Then society and the individuals contained in it will begin to search for answers, because, in many cases, the previous answers people have received, and espeically if they were based from an atheistic worldview, they will be more inclined to abandon those as falsehoods, and look to God for the answers. Just like the Israelites, who were stranded in the wilderness for 40 years after He delivered them from the Egyptians. This really proves the impact that our choices can have ... we can be delivered, as God will hear our cries for help, but he puts us through the fires of tribulation not as a "curse" but as a blessing, in teaching us to heed His calling not just in the bad times, but in the good times, always in all things.
At any rate, the choices we make, as we impart those choices, handing them down to our next generation will certainly have an impact in the future of this country, and I strongly believe that education, as bad as it is in this country, at the present time, it is getting ready to go on a speedy downward-spiral. How do I know this? As we are already aware, America just elected our first Communist President into the White House, and likewise, a socialist House and Senate taking full control of both branches of government; with these in place, and the dictator/fascist mentality of the left in full control, the Christian Conservative voice at campuses all across the country will be sequestered and the far left mentality will dominate. This will cause major problems for the future, as the ideologies of the left will be used to fully implement Marxist, Leninist indoctrination into place. Thus, the first amendment right to freedo of speech for Christians and Conservatives will be totally lost. This, in turn, will lead to a fascist mentality across the board and Christians across the nation will be made targets for persecution. The reason for this, and hear me out well, the complacency of Christians in this country on the need for sound education is directly attributable and will be reason for the future, and very unfortunate developments about to unfold. We may wind up like the Israelites, which appears very likely, and be held in bondage for many years, until the people come to a realization (maybe, hopefully, sooner than we think) that man (government) is not their source of true hope.
Just to give you another illustration of this subject of 'choice', as to how they can be either right or wrong, and how we can learn from past choices made...Just take an example from Khrushchev, who thought that the Communist ideology was the "be all, and end all" of existence, proclaimed after Ronald Reagan had the the Berlin wall torn down, he said that, "the very political movement that he defeated, will bring America down" ... Well, he was right in one sense, but he is definitely wrong about Communism. Communism didn't work for Germany, it hasn't worked, and it will never! Many have tried it, but it has always failed, and failed miserably at that.
America is getting ready to find that out, I'm afraid, and in a very unfortunate way!
Those who espouse it (communism), have never lived through it, and thus, as all past societies who've tried have proven, they will have to learn it the hard way, and experience its damaging effects.
I believe this will be a major world eruption of political factions around the world, with some very troubling times ahead ... and all due to one nation, yes, this nation, America; which could not see the necessity in making the wise choice in electing their leader! Instead, their choice was one impacted by believing lies, and now it will cost them!
Education is where it's all at, folks, and unless we remove the communist-ideologically based textbooks from classrooms our nation will see some brutal times!
More than that, though, it's in the hearts of God's people to make the change, unless we make an effort to serve the Lord and have revival, then we can't expect God's blessing! That's the most beneficial choice we can make to change the world, is through witnessing about the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
God bless You All!
Pray for America!!!
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