Friday, November 13, 2009

Feds want to seize Muslim-owned properties (

A U.S.-based terrorism expert suggests that the recent announcement by federal authorities that they intend to seize property owned by an Iranian-owned Islamic foundation is just the "tip of the iceberg."

Federal prosecutors have announced they are taking steps to seize four U.S. mosques and a New York City skyscraper owned by a nonprofit Muslim organization. The organization -- the Alavi Foundation -- has long been suspected of being under the control of the Iranian government. Prosecutors say the Foundation has been helping to illegally funnel money back to the Iranian government.

The U.S. government filed a forfeiture action in federal court in New York to seize the four mosques, which are located in that city and in Maryland, California, and Houston. The government also wants to take control of a 36-story office tower on New York's Fifth Avenue. The filing starts what could be a drawn-out legal process.

Read full story...Feds want to seize Muslim-owned properties (

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