Monday, December 10, 2007


Given that we live in a world that is full of Evil people who want to create violence and hurt other people physically, we are called to rise to the defense of our fellow man to do what is necessary to prevent such Evil people from carrying out attacks on innocent men, women, and children. So, what does this mean? Do we terminate the life of the individual that may be a threat? Or...Do we detain such persons, and work to extract whatever information we need and could use to help find other individual suspects of interest and threat?

Well, it's pretty obvious that to eliminate such dangerous suspect would make so and so suspect a non-threat in the future, that much is evident...that being the case, what about for instance, in the event that there are other people that could possibly be a threat, and the person we executed had the information we needed in order to find such individual?

To gain useful information from a detained person is called interrogation, usually people who have committed some sort of crime and are imprisoned to see to it that justice is served. Interrogation has been used for time immemorial...In medieval times such techniques included beating, burning (with a red-hot branding iron), draw and quarter (with ropes tied to the suspects ankles and wrists and pulled into a tightly stretched position, and then swords are used to cut/quarter them one arm, and one leg at a time), lashing...these were all harsh interrogation techniques, more specifically--Torture, and extreme torture at that!

Interrogation from then unto the present has been refined a great deal, and much more humane than those practices of the medieval times, we can retrieve the critical information we need now within a matter of seconds, as opposed to hour after hour, day after day, month after month...and well, you get the point. We don't torture any longer.Today's interrogation techniques range anywhere from loud music, to dripping water on a suspects forehead, or to subjecting the suspect to blood-curdling screams imitated as if someone is being tortured in a cell-block next to them. We come now to a technique which possibly lists as one of the more controversial issues at the top of the list with Abortion and the Death Penalty issues.....Waterboarding.

Waterboarding is an interrogation techniques in which a suspect is immobilized by strapping such suspect to a board that is slanted, and the suspects head placed at the bottom end of the board that the suspect is forced to inhale water through the nose and mouth, through a piece of cloth placed over the suspects face, thus making it harder for the suspect to breathe once the cloth is soaked in water. The suspect usually confesses within two are three minutes at the most; this same techniques was used on Khalid Shakh Muhammed who is believed to be the mastermind of the Sept 11 World Trade Center attacks. He confessed within 2 minutes and a few seconds an ABC report said. Waterboarding is NOT torture.

Now, if we could only explain this to the cone-headed Liberals.
Of course, the mantra from the left is that waterboarding is "torture," and that we have no right to get any information no matter HOW dangerous the suspect may be.

Dear Liberals...What about your family and friends...don't you care about them? Or...Do you care more about the "rights" of the terrorists? If you care about your family and friends then I would think that you wouldn't mind a terrorist being subjected to a few seconds of water being poured over their face. Now, would you? I certainly hope you wouldn't! Cause if we didn't do SOMETHING to find these creeps, then we may not have the opportunity to enjoy Christmas with family and friends in the future. A terrorist has no rights in my opinion, because a terrorist doesn't wish to have any friends...they are self-loathing maniacal psycopaths, and their only destiny is to destroy, destroy, destroy.

Here's how totally distorted the liberal agenda is--Don't touch the terrorists, leave them alone, but leave Abortion clinics (Butcher shops) open to as many people as want them...Which is the DELIBERATE Murder of INNOCENT human life!

Pray for America!

God bless,

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