Thursday, March 27, 2008

Obama's Doctrine Of "Salvation"...

Senator Barack Obama has told an audience that although he believes Christ died for his sins, those who reject that teaching can also be children of God.

This is another of the many reasons that Obama cannot be trusted to be our next President. It's clearly obvious that Obama has not a personal relationship with Our Creator through remarks such as the out-and-out lie he told the audience in N.C.

Jesus said - 'No one cometh unto the Father except through Me and in the book of Acts chapter 4 10-12 - 'Let it be made known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole. This is the 'stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.' Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

'No other name.' So that tells you plainly, Obama is not a true Christian by any stretch of the imagination.

Without a personal commitment to God one cannot be a Leader. Leadership comes through the guidance of God Almighty in one's life, such as was the case for our Founding Fathers, who depended solely on Almighty God for their sustenance and Supreme Leadership - God spoke through them, and that's what made such eloquent words of True Hope come from such outstanding Leaders of their day and age. It was their belief in Jesus Christ, God's One and Only Son who made their existence possible to freely exercise thier God-given right to worship and govern in this blessed land we call 'America.'

I wonder more and more about some people in America every day...In understanding at how anyone could even remotely with honesty say that they think "Obama would make a good President." On the other hand, however, I can understand why...with the Liberal dominated educational's no wonder so many are so misinformed on right from wrong in that respect. Just a hand full of Liberal indoctrinators' and you can ruin an entire Nation of people; which is exactly what has happened to America since the mid 1960s...but did it really all start in the 60s? No, actually, it was at least about 4 decades earlier, in the 1920s when the Evil forces of the ACLU (comprised primarily of militant Atheist activists) which became established on American soil, hence, 4 short decades proved to be disaster with their harmful intellectual debilitating influence spreading throughout America to every state, thus, we are now faced with large enough problem that Americans of every background who consider themselves Christians will have to take a stand against them if we are to make a difference for the bettering of America--or acqueicse into a Socialist state of darkness where it will no longer be possible for Christians to have their freedom that was so honorably fought and died for and handed on to us by our Forefathers for us to do the very same thing, because that's the only way that freedom is possible - is to stand up for it, like you mean it, and not put off another day and another and another...and before you know it the country has been destroyed ... That's the reason they knew they had to stand up and fight for Christian freedom, because Christ gave His all for all men to be free. So too, we must do the same, or lose and defame all that they fought to give us.

I've heard it said so many times by the Liberals that society has "changed" from what it was during the 17th, 18th centuries? Well, yes it has, but it hasn't been "good" change ... we are a morally bankrupt Nation compared to what we were in the early twentieth century, and are on a steady downward slide toward the infamous days of Sodom and Gomorrah ... Yet we've only seen the tip of the iceberg as to what's to come.

We, as True Believers, however, have hope ... So keep the faith, and stand up, for we know not what tomorrow may bring!

Feel free to share your commentary...

God bless!


Thanks for visiting Conservatives United!


  1. Jeremiah the last thing in the world you are is a true believer. If you were a believer you would stop trying to do god's job for her.

    If you want to know what you really are just ask.

  2. Count,


    You don't have to worry there. There's no one who can take God's place. However, I speak out for the Lord because of what He did for me, to glorify and uplift His Son Jesus Christ. That means that there will be opposition, resentment and in most cases; Hatred directed towards me because of anything I try to say or do that would contradict or mess up their (The world-The lost) world view of things ... shed some light on a dark situation and you get a whole different picture. Matter of fact, the Bible says so, when Jesus talked about coming persecutions of the disciples in Matthew 10:22 - 'And you will be hated by all for My name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.'

    His words still stand ... all one has to do is look around, and see what the Courts, ACLU, AA, NAMBLA, and AUFSOCAS are doing to Christians all across America with the endless attacks on our Faith.

    By myself, I can't change the entire world, but every voice counts. The more voices we have for the kingdom of God, the more God's Light shines, and the world a better, more peaceful place.

    As for ...If you want to know what you really are just ask. ... It's hard to tell, I've been called just about everything nasty you can think of. M
    ost people just call me "Jeremiah".


  3. This is another of the many reasons that Obama cannot be trusted to be our next President. It's clearly obvious that Obama has not a personal relationship with Our Creator through remarks such as the out-and-out lie he told the audience in N.C.

    Says the false prophet.

    Look, Jeremiah, I know this is a hard concept to grasp for you, but I want you to try and follow me: not everyone on planet Earth believes what you believe, nor should they have to if they reject your religion, Jeremiah. Some people practice Islam, some practice Hinduism, etc., and its all well and good.

  4. Dear Jeremiah,

    Stop speaking for me, goddammit!
    You're making my religion look like we're a bunch of lunatics!

    Thanks, and take care.


  5. Some people practice Islam, some practice Hinduism, etc., and its all well and good.



    But what you're going to have to wrap your mind around, is that all religions aren't the same, Jonathan.

    So, what makes them different? Let's take Christianity and Islam for examples...

    We've heard it said that Islam is a religion of "Peace" ... but does the Quran really teach tolerance and peaceful co-existence?

    What about the Battle of Mut'ah?
    The Battle of Hunayn?
    The Battle of Tabuk?

    You can clearly see the difference when you read particular verses in the Bible and Quran - such as - Matthew 5:39 - ...if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also... and the Quran 9:13 says - Will ye not fight a folk who broke their solemn pledges, and purposed to drive out the messenger and did attack you first?

    Quran 9:5 says - slay the unbelievers wherever you find them If you seen the film "Fitna" over at little green footballs you can see this carried out...showing that it is open-ended and universal for Muslims to kill any and all unbelievers anywhere and everywhere they find them.

    But hey, it's all good, right?


    If you want a better, safer society, then you're going to have to go with what the Bible teaches...unless of course, you want America to be destroyed.

    I'll let you decide for yourself, either way ... you'll find out.


  6. If you want a better, safer society, then you're going to have to go with what the Bible teaches...

    I don't know what country you think this is, but here in America, you have the choice to practice whichever religion you want, or no at all if you please. Which means simply the following: I don't have to succumb myself to the the teachings of the Bible if I don't want to. And who the hell are you to tell me what to believe?

    Your sermons fall on deaf ears, preacher.

    ...unless of course, you want America to be destroyed.

    ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

    What utter nonsense!
    America won't go under because some of us chose no to become Bible-thumping, ignorant, evangelical Christians.

    Again, this is the beauty of our nation, you can succumb to whichever religion you chose to identify yourself with.

    You can continue to believe that we're going to burn in hell and that we're lost with accepting Jesus Christ, and I can continue to believe that people like you use religion to justify your own ignorance.
