Friday, October 10, 2008

Why Is The Left So Beligerent In Their Quest For Sex In The Classroom?

"An interesting article from the Heritage Foundation:

"Why does the left keep insisting that the only people qualified to talk to teenagers about sex is the government? Attacking Sarah Palin in today’s Washington Post Amy Schalet writes:

American teenagers grow up in environments that inhibit them from making conscious choices about sex and using contraception effectively. Sarah Palin supports programs that contribute to that environment, favoring policies that prohibit teachers from explaining the benefits of contraception and condoms and that require teaching that sex outside of marriage is unacceptable.

"Schalet seems to believe that the only way to get teens to make better decisions about sex is to require them to share their sex lives with the government. Never mind that all the best available research shows that birth control education doesn’t work."

"So what does work? Parental influence. Heritage analyst Christine Kim reviews:

The empirical evidence on the association between parental influences and adolescents’ sexual behavior is strong. Parental factors that appear to offer strong protection against the onset of early sexual activity include an intact family structure; parents’ isapproval of adolescent sex; teens’ sense of belonging to and satisfaction with their families; parental monitoring; and, to a lesser extent, parent-child communication about teen sex and its consequences.

"Therefore, Kim recommends:

That parents play a role in teen sex points to at least two significant policy implications. First, programs and policies that seek to delay sexual activity or to prevent teen pregnancy or STDs should encourage and strengthen family structure and parental involvement. Doing so may increase these efforts’ overall effectiveness. Conversely, programs and policies that implicitly or explicitly discourage parental involvement, such as dispensing contraceptives to adolescents without parental consent or notice, contradict the weight of social science evidence and may prove to be counterproductive and potentially harmful to teens.

That last part was the key factor in this issue - as abstinence only programs are more sound in that abstinence is fundamentally safer than contraceptives.

One of the main reasons that STDs have become more widespread in this country, is because the ACLU has waged an unrelenting campaign against abstinence and removed it from all but a few States.

This is why we need Gov. Sarah Palin up there in Washington to help end the destruction by the ACLU.

God bless!

Thanks for visiting Conservatives United!


  1. "Why does the left keep insisting that the only people qualified to talk to teenagers about sex is the government?"

    Teachers are certifiably able to teach about this subject. There is nothing iin becoming a parent that inherently makes you capable of teaching your kid about sex.

    In fact, the stupidity of your question can be easily demonstrated :

    "Why does the left keep insisting that the only people qualified to talk to teenagers about maths is the government?"

    "Why does the left keep insisting that the only people qualified to talk to teenagers about history is the government?"

    "Why does the left keep insisting that the only people qualified to talk to teenagers about english litterature is the government?"

    Your question is both a fallacy (everyone has the right to homeschool his or her kids, or take them to private schools, therefore taking the government out of the loop) and misleadingly-worded : teachers are the one teaching about biology.

    As for my personnal take on the questions : keeping children ignorant about sex won't stop them from doing it, we are hard-wired to find how it works. Teaching them about contraception and STDs and how to protect oneself will ensure that they don't fall pregnant without meaning to (which will reduce the number of abortions) and will reduce the number of STDs around. And that does not even take into account the number of personnal tragedies that it will prevent.

  2. Liberal educators are ignorant about the issue of sex, because they figure that evolution proscribes us the ability to "improve" our sexual habits and therefore become "immune" to pregnancy, but granted that they do not realize the dire consequences that come with contraceptives and encouraging sexual activity before maturity and marriage.

    With the ACLU taking away abstinence only education programs and in turn, ramping up the explicity sex education what you get is increased sexually transmitted diseases.

    But STDs to the Left, in essence is anathema to the whole issue ... the Socialist left-wing cares less about the deadly diseases that are infecting thousands of teenagers and young adults due to being educated to think that it is "ok" to engage in sodomy and other dangerous activities.

    America is headed down for this very reason alone, because the left has controlled education since the 1947 case of Everson vs. Board of Education in which an ACLU lawyers used the Due Process Clause in the Fourteentht amendment interpreting it to take away the very rights that it protected, by telling teachers that they could not lead the class in prayer, and subsequently at graduation ceremonies where if students wished to pray were told they couldn't. Yet, somehow it is supposed to "protect" the "right" to murder unborn children, pornography, sodomy and other demented practices that are contrary to the law, all the way to ruling out abstinence in the recent past.

    America is surely about done for if God's people do not stand up and stop ACLU crackpots. Period.

    So, wake up!

  3. Actually, science (not evolution) did ive us the means to control the moment we have kids, through the pil and condoms and implants and the ability to tie the tubes of the women that do not want children at all.

    As for abstinence-only "sex-ed", it simply does not work. Kids who follow this "curriculum" have the same chance of having sex, and a better chance of getting pregnant, than those who have real sex-ed. Why? because they are teenagers, and as you may recall, a teen does not think with his/her head, and neither does he/her think with his/her hart. Try a little lower still.
    At least someone who has been taght about sex does not believe in silly myths like "you can not get pregnant the first time" or "if you do it from the top you cannot get pregnant" or "if you wash down there with coca cola you can't get pregnant" and actually use contraception that works.

    In fact, promoting sex-ed is the best way to prevent pregnancies, STDs AND abortions. If you look abroad, you see a high correlation between the level of se-ed and these three factors. Your refusal of sex-ed and contraception is only based on a desire so socially shun those who have sex outside of mariage, not on a desire to prevent STDs or unwanted pregnancies. If your goal truly was to prevent STDs and unwanted pregnancies, you'd be giving out condoms non-stop. Your hypocrisy is becoming quite annoying.

  4. Actually, science (not evolution) did ive us the means to control the moment we have kids, through the pil and condoms and implants and the ability to tie the tubes of the women that do not want children at all.

    Science, or evolution one of and the main and failed ideologies of science, does nothing and has never did anything worthy of merit to be considered adequate "birth-control."

    Current day science deals with the material world, and what things do, and that's basically all their is to science...I guess you could say, with modern science, scientists dismiss the truth or reality behind matter. This is the reason that it has failed, and failed miserably.

    Science does nothing to address the mind, or psyche and the self-awareness as to why one would come to the conclusions, and therefore, if scientists would come to accept a perception of the 'real' or 'valid' part of the world in which we live, in essence, their house of cards would fall flat. And that is why sex-education preferring contraceptives and other such methods have proven to be a failure at preventing removes the conscience of the individual, and thus, no conviction of what is right and wrong. When you remove the conviction of right and wrong, then the law is meaningless, and this is why we have had numerous problems with the Socialist left way of thinking in this country that will ultimately destroy this country if not cut off from society.

    Thus, there is need for intrinsic or "comprehensive" purpose for any valid ethical system for society to work.

    Where, if you do not have this intrinsic worth and ethical purpose in the law to guide human conscience into a safe direction, but instead replace it with a posteriori or pragmatical approach society has only the future hope of bewilderment and following anarchy.

    The narcosistic views held by current day science are nothing more than empty rhetoric.

    If your goal truly was to prevent STDs and unwanted pregnancies, you'd be giving out condoms non-stop. Your hypocrisy is becoming quite annoying.

    This is where your understanding of right and wrong are at best and demonstrable failure.

    My goal is for students to receive the truth about the matter. The truth is this - abstinence-only education should be preferred because it helps to teach children a sense of responsibility, and keeping sexual activity in its proper place, within the confines of marriage...and with marriage comes the joys of raising a family with Christ as the center of that family.

    Sex-education doesn't do this, because sex-education doesn't care about the individual, because "do what you want to do, don't worry about the many problems you'll have down what road you wish to take...if it feels good, go for it"

    Radical-personal autonomy, just running around soaking in what seems to "feel-good" and sooner or later, they wake up to find themselves in terrible mess with no way out. This is the reason we have so many homeless folks today, because the demented liberal education system removes the sensibilities of our responsibilities to others--which breeds hopelessness and despair, in other words, it's all about self, or me with not awareness of what is truly right - no family, and finally the end of society.

    Lastly, friend, if you do not appreciate this sound advice, that is fine...but just remember this ... that what I am telling you will come true, and a dark truth at that.

    God bless!
