Sunday, January 10, 2010

Education and America's Future

I found this interesting read as I perused Google's search engine for facts about education and the communist ideologies that have been incorporated into the teaching over the last few decades. What it has materialized into more recent years has become a dramatic reminder of the wake up call that God-fearing Americans need to heed if we are to save what is the remains of the United States and its most crucial history, system of law and ethics based upon the Biblical views that our Founders held dear.

On another note, I know I've said and predicted over the last few months that America is doomed, and it is if people, especially parents who have children in the public educational system do not wake up to the nightmarish realities of what their children are being taught in our public schools. As the woman in the article shows, they are being taught lies that go against the very grain of America's true beginnings and purpose of the Constitutional framework of our Republic, based upon the Biblical truths, as I said.

I hope you take the time to read it with interest in gaining some foreknowledge into the facts of what we must do this coming November to set America back on the right course, and re-establishing the core intent of our Founding principles.

God bless you, and thank you for reading today!

Thanks for visiting Conservatives United!

1 comment:

  1. Hattie,

    Welcome. Glad you are enjoying the blog.
    Feel free to join in the discussion.
